Upcoming Event – Downtown Action Strategies: Making Decisions

In our downtown lies our soul – the heartbeat of commerce, the centre of our “busy” …. where we connect to people and place … where we find inspiration in our most distinctive architecture and creativity of nature and humanity in display… where visitors form their most memorable impression.

7 million annual highway travelers. A growing and dynamic community. A generational opportunity to build a bigger and better… heart of Hope. Join us as we work with you to develop ACTIONS that move the community forward.

Advantage Hope has launched a new initiative in 2023: the Downtown in Action initiative. This project is an opportunity for the community of Hope to vitalize its Downtown as the heart of the community, and to attract more visitors that pass through each year, encouraging them to stop and visit.

Join us at our upcoming engagement event!

Downtown Action Strategies: Making Decisions on June 20, 2023
Legion Hall
344 Fort Street
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Come join us as the community and the Downtown Action Group (DAG) will be prioritizing Downtown improvement actions over the coming years. Take part, make a difference, and help shape HOPE’S bright future.

Keep in touch with us through our website, community partners, and social media, or contact us directly via email (operations@hopebc.ca) or phone (604-869-2021).

This initiative is the creation of a Downtown Revitalization Plan which will guide the community of Hope to achieve their vision and goals for a more thriving and functional downtown area. This plan is built on both best practice and the needs of the community, and incorporates urban planning & design, economics, and interactive public engagement to define a set of strategies. These strategies will help enhance businesses, suggest physical improvements and a diverse mix of uses in the downtown, and will result in both positive cultural and social outcomes.

These “four action pillars” of physical improvement (e.g. street/sidewalk improvements and residential infill), business development (including policy enablement), promotional opportunities, and organization capacity building will provide the foundation for the resulting strategies.

Led by MVH Urban Planning & Design, the consultant team will be working closely with Advantage Hope, businesses, residents, Indigenous partners, and other community organizations to create a genuine “Made in Hope” downtown revitalization strategy. This begins by defining community priorities and a clear action plan to fill the gaps identified by the community. We will be exploring several topics including: mixed-uses in the downtown, safety, and security improvement, boosting visual appeal, wayfinding, bike rentals, weather shelters, hydro plug-ins, improved crosswalks, and an enhanced cultural experience and beautification (such as flowers, lighting, street furniture). We want to ensure that the core is accessible to all!

The project will run from April until October 2023 with opportunities for public feedback throughout.

April 2023

Join us for a Public Downtown Discovery Workshop to explore opportunities, challenges, ideas, and develop partnerships with the business community. This event will be a “pulse check” on the existing health of the downtown to identify strengths, weaknesses, and gaps for the Hope Downtown.

May & June 2023

The team will be putting together the initial Action Plan through continued conversations with the business community and community at large. A visioning session will take place on June 20, which will bring visualization and refinement to ideas as well as aspects of business development and will further develop the strategies with input from core stakeholders.

July & August 2023

Keep an eye out during the summer for the pop-up “Taking it to the Street” program which includes displays on the Downtown in Action Strategies Plan. These pop-ups will be found at local events and festivals as well as popular gathering places and are an opportunity to review ideas and give feedback.

September & October 2023

To finalize the project, the community can expect to see a presentation on the Strategies and Action Plans with details including responsibilities, timing, incentives, guidelines, promotional ideas, and organization capacity building.

Stay tuned to this website for upcoming engagement opportunities!

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